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EMTONE® is Center Aesthetic & Dermatology’s anti-cellulite solution, with no surgery or downtime required. It’s unlike any other cellulite treatment in the world, and we’re proud to now offer EMTONE® at our Union Square location in New York City. If you think you’re a candidate, come in for your body sculpting consultation with one of our licensed providers. With a 90% patient satisfaction rate, we’re confident in helping you find your confidence with EMTONE®.

Are the results permanent?

As a non-surgical and non-invasive solution to cellulite, Emtone provides a temporary solution to cellulite that requires maintenance treatment for best results. The effects last 3-12 months, and we highly recommend a maintenance plan to keep your results consistent and satisfactory, depending on your goals.

How does Emtone work for cellulite?

Emtone is the world’s first device to use a combination of radio-frequency energy and pressure waves administered simultaneously to treat cellulite and tighten skin anywhere on the body. The device promotes skin elasticity, remodels collagen, and diminishes fat chambers. This treatment improves skin texture almost everywhere on the body, as well as the appearance of all types and grades of cellulite.

What does it feel like?

Emtone is a heat & pressure based treatment, but for most patients, it is not painful. You’ll experience heat and contractions from the device. We aim to make you as comfortable as possible during each treatment.

How does Emtone work on the abdomen and arms?

By increasing skin elasticity and remodeling collagen, Emtone can tighten skin all over the body. In a clinical study, Emtone significantly reduced loose skin near the abdomen in women who recently gave childbirth. The device had a 97% satisfaction rate at 3 month follow up in the study. We highly recommend pairing Emtone Treatments with EMSculpt treatments to target both loose skin on the tummy, as well as diastasic to the abdomen muscles.

How is Emtone different than other cellulite treatment devices out there?

Cellulite affects 80-90% of all women, but very few effective treatments exist in the market. Emtone cuts through the gimmicks as the first device to produce dramatic results in its studies, due to it’s combination of Radiofrequency and rapid pressure to address all types of cellulite throughout the body.

How many treatments of Emtone for cellulite or skin tightening will I need?

Every body is different, and every patient’s their own goal results, which we will assess with you at your complimentary consultation. Our general recommendation is to start with a Package is 4 treatments over 2-4 weeks. After that, we’ll schedule treatments to maintain your results according to your personal goals. Maintenance treatments can also be performed more frequently to continue improvements to areas of concern.

Is Emtone safe?

Emtone is an extremely low-risk, non-surgical treatment for almost everyone. There have been no serious adverse events reported. Potential risks include minor bruising or burns, but our licensed, trained, medical professionals that perform Emtone perform these treatments with utmost care and precaution.

Is there any downtime associated?

There is no downtime associated to the procedure. You may partake in physical activity immediately following treatment. Your skin could be a little pink following treatment, but this generally subsides in 1-2 hours.

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New York, NY 10003

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Thursday: 9:00am-5:30pm
Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm

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